The Rx Tempo Trainers are another cutting edge creation developed by the Rx Team to advance jump rope training.
– Rx Tempo Trainers provide a beautiful simulation of jumping rope without actually using a jump rope. The Specially contoured 115 gram bottles housing bb’s provide a rhythmical sound that allows the user to mimic the sound of the jump rope grazing the ground.
The jolt that the bb’s create when hitting the inside of the bottle also simulates the impact of the rope grazing the ground for a nice tactile cue.
– Utilize the Rx Tempo Trainers to practice single unders, double unders and even triple unders without ever tripping up.
– Use the Rx Tempo Trainers in conjunction with the Rx Bounding Target to develop impeccable tempo and timing while simulating double unders.
– 2 Tempo Bottles in one set.