The Legend Octopus is a pneumatically balanced second stage with a high-visibility yellow cover ring and 39" yellow hose. It is the ideal compliment to all over-balanced Legend Series Regulators and the Titan LX. Aqua Lung offer several types of Octopus 2nd stages to meet the varying needs of divers.The Legend Octopus is a pneumatically balanced second stage with a high-visibility yellow cover ring and 39" yellow hose. It is the ideal compliment to all over-balanced Legend Series Regulators and the Titan LX.Compact-size with all the superior breathing characteristics of the Legend series.Air balanced and ideally suited for the Legend over-balanced first stage.Diver-controlled Venturi Adjustment Switch (VAS) reduces sensitivity to free flow on the surface and provides maximum airflow at depth.Designed for use in cold water.